Personal and Team Reflection
This is an interactive pdf that you can use individually and as a wider ministry team to reflect on your conversations, connections, and what you learned throughout the day.
We recommend taking the time to think and pray about what God is teaching you, both personally, and as a team.
Let us know what you think!
We'd like to hear what you appreciated about the day, and how we can be improving it for coming years. Our aim is to help you, as church leaders, connect well with each other as you learn together. Please tell us how we can serve you better in this.
"Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ...
...if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind".
â Philippians 2:1-2
The Ministry of Administration
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ National Advisor Jan De Lange.

Get in touch with Jan:
022 380 0501
Partnering for community outreach
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ Camping Enabler Richard Davis.
Get in touch with Richard:
027 260 2443
The Upside-Down Kingdom
Workshop facilitated by Mission Ambassadors Wendy and John Buchanan from GC3.
Get in touch with Wendy and John:
+64 6 882 9503
Missional Leadership is shaped by prayer
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ Prayer Enabler Jackie Millar.
Get in touch with Jackie:
021 044 0245
Leadership, scholarships & ongoing relationships
Workshop facilitated by Scholarship Enabler Liz Hodge.
Get in touch with Liz:
Church-based training: Learning on the job
Workshop facilitated by Dr Richard Goodwin, Pathways College.

Get in touch with Richard:
022 340 5802
Leading through church administration
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ National Advisor Jan De Lange.

Get in touch with Jan:
022 380 0501
Engage all generations
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ Children and Family Ministries Enabler Julie McKinnon.
Get in touch with Julie:
021 158 3668
Getting Practical with Prayer Practices in Missional Leadership
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ Prayer Enabler Jackie Millar.

Get in touch with Jackie:
021 044 0245
Shaping the Heart of a leader
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ PastorLink Enabler Mark van Wijk.

027 292 6717
Three paths toward church-driven camps that reach families, children and young people
Workshop facilitated by Alan Aitken from Te Maru.

Get in touch with Alan:
Leading as a co-journeyer
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ Children and Family Ministries Enabler Julie McKinnon.

Get in touch with Julie:
021 158 3668
Growing young adults into church leadership
Workshop facilitated by CCCNZ Youth and Young Adults Enabler Craig Barrow.

Get in touch with Craig:
021 243 4363
Property, stewardship and the gospel
Workshop facilitated by Jeff Orr from Stewards' Trust.

Get in touch with Jeff:
0800 783 9273
Good News for the Poor
Workshop facilitated by Michael Hanson, GC3 Executive Director.

Get in touch with Michael:
+64 27 522 4001
Thanks for joining us at the
Canterbury Regional Summit 2024.

If you have any queries, please get in touch with office@cccnz.nz