Endurance2 Corinthians 4:1ParaguayGenealogyMatthew 1:17Level 5New beginningLiving WordChurch and campTeganJohn 16:20PriesthoodDarkness1 Peter 2:9WhanaketiaAbuse in CareRoyal CommissionInter-dependenceChrist's authorityEphesians 1:22-23Camp DayJusticeGoodAmos 5:15Esther 6:12Regional SummitsTraining leadersMatthew 24Jesus' returnBirth painsCatastropheCrisisPrejudiceEsther 6:6Langham PreachingChrist's humilityPrideHamanEsther 3:5Gordon FountainChairWorkshopsShepherdingEmmett Street Community ChurchTaurangaEnd of all thingsComing of Jesus1 Peter 4:7Church Street Bible ChapelGod's timingGod is with usWinter experiencesPsalm 22:1Feilding Bible ChapelPreaching trainingConfidenceLamentations 4:17Stand FirmHeretaunga Community ChurchRowley Bible ChurchGod's graceClimateWeatherLamentations 4:13Youth CampChurch communityRevelation 7Jesus' righteousnessGod's judgementLamentations 4:21Father's DayTuvalu Brethren AssemblyMatthew 26FriendPathways Bible CollegeDeveloping leadersDig & DiscoverEvery peopleEvery languageEvery tribeEvery nationRevelation 7:9Women's retreatPastroLinkNew selfNew creationColossians 3:10Matthew 5:14LightParenting CourseDeveloping preachersColossians 1:4-5Māori Postal AotearoaTākaka Christian AssemblyKaikōura Gospel AssemblyMarlboroughNelson-TasmanServe like JesusAuckland SummitSchool holiday programmeBible conferenceChristian Korean ChurchAbrahamSustainerRevealerHeirHebrews 1:1-2HolidaysKids' programmeGiftEphesians 2:8-9Karakariki Christian CampAgora ChurchCommunicationWordTim CourseLongviewAshleigh TrebilcoGospel & CultureHebrews 10:19-22Nehemiah 9:6UnverseCreatorTorrey HiltonNelson SchonfeldtGreg BurgessWinter Bible SchoolWairakei Road Bible ChurchBryndwr Chapel1 Peter 4:9Leadership TeamDr Darrell BockChurch @ 109PastorLink RetreatSermon sharingChurches coming togetherOtago SummitCCCNZ TeamDr Murray HarrisNorthland2 Corinthians 7:5–6Matthew 26:39Halswell Community ChurchPaul WindsorTraining preachersLanghamGod's goodnessPsalm 103:1PraiseInvercargill Bible SchoolRomans 3:10-12RighteousnessSinMark van Wijk1 John 4:10SubstituteHawke's BayRegional GatheringThe Orchard ChurchGreerton Bible ChurchKylie BrownLifezone ChurchStaff DayDave BradleyTrustPsalm 146:3Luke 9:1Community outreachBethel Christian FellowshipWillow Park Christian CentreKakariki Christian CampWeaknessPowerBay of PlentyMen's breakfast1 Corinthians 2:2ConflictsChurches and campsColemanGrace ChurchLower North Island1 Peter 1:1PeterCitizens of heavenJobRedeemerGraham AshbyPrime Time ConferenceJH Baldwin ScholarshipForest LakesThe Anchor ChurchAlan ThompsonSydney Missionary & Bible CollegeManurewa Bible ChurchChurch campGrant BirksTroubleSydneyStewards AustraliaKatoombaMMMHoward RobinsonRoosevelt Road Bible ChurchRotoruaSisters HuiHuiAlan AitkenTe MaruThank youDan TylerBrian RopitiniNew Plymouth Community ChurchManawatūComfortHoly SpiritConsolationUnited with ChristRomans 6:5PreachingTheological studiesLincoln Road Bible ChapelNorth BeachThe EmbassyDeathOBH Camp ProjectStewards TrustStaff ConferenceEAUKSTestimonyWaitangiJoyTom McIvorPaul SamuelsGraduationIan PaynePapatoetoe Bible ChapelSalvationMatthew 1:21UnitedTītahi Bay Community ChurchEphesians 2:14KidsChristmas outreachMission Without BordersTōtara Springs Christian CentreManawarū Bible ChapelBearing fruitColossians 1:6Sefton MarshallFarewellStuart BayOnekawa Bible ChurchGod's willCalendarGlentunnel ChapelNick GoodwinKoinoniaGratitudeFellowship1 Corinthians 10:16 DunedinNew buildingCornerstone International Bible ChurchDoctrinePastoral Theologians FellowshipExamine ourselves1 Corinthians 11:28Children and FamiliesKaitaia Bible ChapelNextGen Summit1 Corinthians 11:27CommunionBethany TrustDoug BennFamily FiestaFinlay ParkNarrows ParkTotara SpringsRaleigh Street Christian CentreLight PartyRedemption ChurchMark DramaFenton Park Bible ChurchOctober 7IsraelHeretaunga Christian CentreLazarusLifeJohn 11:43Peter AllenGovernanceIan Elliott ScholarshipWhite SundayBaptismsWeepingJohn 11:33Holiday ProgrammeChurch-centric campingAuckland Leaders DinnerThe Street ChurchPathway Christian CentreBroderick Road ChapelVivian Street Gospel HallInternational ServiceChurch on IngestreGriefJohn 11:35Joel BirkinHolidays ProgrammeSouth IslandComfortedConfrontedJohn 12:5Growing leadersServing the communityInvercargillCelebrationThanksgivingFranklin Bible ChurchKing JesusHosanna!John 12:13Prayer breakfastWorking beeCrossGod's powerColossians 2:15North Beach Christian FellowshipTe Awamutu Bible ChapelCity to CityMoirs Point Christian CentreMangonui Bible ChapelCoopers Beach Christian Youth CampKaitaia Bible ChapeTōtara North Bible ChapelRaumati Crescent ChapelFar NorthJesus is LordCaptivated by ChristColossians 2:6Tim HodgeCCCNZ Board75th AnniversaryMissionaryMovement of the WordKaipaki Bible ChurchAlpha CourseDave FirthLast WordsHopeDavidPsalm 139:23Jesus knows usPathways CollegeLichfield LandsScholarshipsLiz HodgeSuffering ChristiansElisabeth ElliotRevelation 6:10CampsitesEl RanchoRoss BayMiCamp TaupōExodus 29:42Church-Camp PartnershipHousing ProjectOrwell Street ChurchEden Community ChurchPakuranga Christian FellowshipAnniversaryRukumoana MaraeKids programmeKelston Community ChurchPapakuraLive the gospelEmergency housingKarakarikiWhitioraNew ZealandActs 17:24FearIdolsActs 17:16Gospel MinistryChurch Camp PartnershipMararikiJob 9:9Ruth 1:20God's purposesMaraNaomiRuthHorsemenLambRevelation 6:1Rally NZTauwhare MaraeAGMRevelation 1:12-13HM RageJesus' salvationJohn 18:10Community connectionsYouth groupServing SundaysInvercargill Combined Bible SchoolFurnaceMatthew 26:46Matthew 26:42Police chaplainsHumilityPhilippians 2:7Known unto GodJohn 15:13Willow Park Christian CampKids CampLifeSwitchChurch @ CedarwoodKingston Community ChurchRomans 1:14-15Ambassador's WrapRomans 1:18God's wrathLakeland Park CampNorm and Liz SilcockRegional summitNorthgate Community Church1 Corinthians 1:18Sarah ChalmersStewardsDoors openColossians 4:4Genesis 1:12-13Ian RoweThird-Day GardensMatthew 5:16Natural disastersFamily campLighthouse ChurchChurches working togetherOrdinary peopleJohn 1:43John 1:29The LionThe LambWho are you?Who is He?John 1:21-221 Peter 1:13Psalm 13:11 Peter 1:1-2God's realitySober-mindedFrustrationPastorCampsCycloneCampsiteHowick Community ChurchHaggai 1:3-4Psalm 46:1God is our refuge and strengthLuke 2:10Good NewsIn the beginningJohn 1:1-5Luke 1:27Titus 1:9MarkLuke 1:28Psalm 31:1-5Romans 12:15Matthew 1:1Road to EmmausLuke 24:29John 20:16Mark 10:45Queen Elizabeth IIHorizon of HopeThe Mark DramaLamentationsGraceSecond windSwedish Method1-2-1 Bible ReadingPreach the WordRiccarton Community ChurchInternshipsPsalmsCreativityHoliday CampRiverbend Bible ChurchPaengaroa Bible ChapelPalmerston NorthChurch on VogelThe House Next DoorSchoolLaunchpadLifewalkAmos 5:8MatarikiBad GuysTitus 3:1-2Auckland Bible ChurchDarrell BockLeanne BrownCrossroads ChurchKaipara Bible ChapelDargaville Gospel ChurchMarsden Bay Christian Camp2 Timothy 2:21 Corinthians 1:18-31James 1:2-42 Timothy 2The Orchard Church Te PukeEvangelismChurchesSupport MinistriesEasterThe cross-shaped life2 Corinthians 1:8-9IsolationLast SupperWestChurchGeoff StarkUkraineRobert MitchellTasman ChurchChurch LeadersRevelation 2-4Psalm 31Ezra 31 Timothy 6:11-21Galatians 2:10The gospelThessaloniansAotearoa, NZEphesians 2Waitangi Day 2022Working TogetherCCCNZ AucklandAmatakiloa Bible ChurchTongan TsunamiLeslie ScottRebekah ReeveConnectionsSummitTop of the SouthEaster CampRegional ConnectionsCCCNZ Children and Family MinistriesRutland Street ChurchManawaru Bible ChapelYouth Reachout RoadtripWord of LifeConnectionPartnershipRichard DavisLawson ScottRegionalChristchurchEphesians 12 Timothy 2:1-131 Peter 12 Peter 1HarvestActs 8Psalm 24:1-2Acts 27:23–26Resurrection1 Corinthians 15:14Ezra-NehemiahPsalm 231 Corinthians 15:8-111 Corinthians 15:3-81 Corinthians 15:3-5CCCNZ PrayerHillcrest ChapelPeaceConflictWearyEldershipCOVID-19 Protection FrameworkWoven TogetherAnnual Report 2020-21FaithfulnessAPARichard FountainIndianChristian radioJeewan DhaaraPsalm 146Ambassador's BlogHeavy ladenEmily TylerBaptismWhitiora Bible ChurchLifeChurch ManurewaQSMNational CCCNZ Youth TeamRob MortonWhat Comes Next?BoardAbortion Legislation BillPandemicMark GraceResponsePhilippiansChurch response to COVID-19Church response to coronavirusCoronavirusCOVID-19Worship EnablerYvonne HengNorthcross ChurchGC3AppealBushfiresSophia McCrindleCCCAustAustralian BushfiresPacific CommunityAne PonifasioLui PonifasioQueen's Service MedalNew Year's HonoursPasifikaTāmaki Community ChurchThe Riverside ClubIdeasIntergenerational ministryMassey Community ChurchBirkenhead Community ChurchBitternessThe Greatest SaviourPrayer GatheringCCNZChristian Camping NZTeapot Valley Christian CampNancy Jean Forbes Training CentreWoodend Christian CampCanterburyChurch PlantingJackie MillarPrayingDanielle DiproseAdministrationFinance60 yearsCamp ministryChristian CampingLakeland Park Christian CampPreparationChristchurch Mosque AttacksHealingTraumaWhat's Next?Julie McKinnonUnityHospitalityCultural diversityOrosiusImmigrationTeenagersGiftsYoung leadersSummer SchoolChildrenParentsChildren and Family Ministries75 JubileeGirlsBoysNZ RallyRestCCCNZ PastorLinkGrowthOrewa Community Church2019God StoriesChapel Hill Community ChurchEncouragementFriendshipEldersSuccessionGod's faithfulnessGospelFireHope Community ChurchNelsonTogether Works BetterFIRST TrainingYouth SummitCampingCommunity MinistryChildren's MinistryRallyAuthenticityMillenialsMinistryYoung AdultsLeaving HomeStudentsCampusStudent ministry at OtagoUniversity of OtagoO WeekJesus ChristStudent LifeTSCFStudent ministryTreaty of WaitangiPākehāMāoriTreatySpiritChristianityWaitangi Day 2019ColombiaRosedale Bible ChapelSouthlandInternational StudentsTimaruChurch Street ChapelIan ElliottTeensCalledTauwhare Gospel ChapelCompassionWaikatoRefugee MinistryCambell ForlongCity Bible ChurchInternationalLiving GodGlobalisationDr Merv CoatesEngagingRongopaiMulticultural ministryHaggaiPlanningPrayerJeremy SuistedInconvenienceJosephMaryLoveSaviourO Holy Night LyricsLyricsChristmas CarolO Holy NightDiscipleshipClark Road ChapelVolunteerEducationCitizens Advice BureauTe Ao NgākauCommunity CentreJames 1:26-27OutreachMaungarei Christian Community TrustMt Wellington Community ChurchMurray BrownChrist-centredHealthy youth ministryYouth leadershipHukanui Bible ChurchBible readingFreshLearningDevotionsFamilyCommitmentBible in a yearCarolsLightsOnslow Community ChurchMusicTheologyPathwaysWorship leadingWorshipPathways School of Worship LeadingSOWLChristmas messageJesusEventsAucklandGlow in the ParkAdventChristmasSupportRespiteCareRetreatLeadersPastorsPastorLinkKerry RickardSpiritual formationCross-culturalChristianGap YearHeadspaceKiwi24-7 YouthWorkCommunityFaithYouthTrainingCCCNZ YouthYoung peopleChurchChristYouth ministryCCCNZScriptureLeadershipChristian CoachingCoachingBiblePaulFaithfulOrdinary ChristianExtraordinary GodComfort ZoneGodHadfieldMissionNZWellingtonRegional Enablers

A Journey South

In October Camping Enabler Richard Davis and South Island Enabler Tim Hodge took a trip to Canterbury, Southland and Otago to visit some different church leaders and campsites, what an encouragement to see how connected churches are with their local camps, taking active steps in gospel partnership.  

In Canterbury, Richard says it was very encouraging to meet with Sinead Coleman (left) and Zack Howe (middle, with Richard Davis on the right).  

Sinead and Zach are youth leaders at Halswell Community Church and are involved with camping ministry and outreach in connection with Canterbury Development Network Trust (associated with Riccarton Community Church). 

Further south at Lakeland Park Christian Camp in Queenstown, Tim observed that the geographical location works well—it’s a destination spot, near an airport, in an interesting and beautiful place where there is lots to do and see. He says the connection with churches is strong:

"Notably, all trustees of Lakeland Park have to be in active fellowship with an Open Brethren Heritage church. The current trustees come from churches in Canterbury, Otago and Southland and have a deep commitment to seeing the camp flourish and as a result it is actively, regularly used by a range of church groups as a place for camps." 

In Dunedin, Tim and Richard met with trustees Dre Niehaus (above left) from Cornerstone International Bible Church, and Stafford Ferguson (above right) from Riverside Chapel.  

Oswin Kakumanu (above right) is one of the elders with Mailer Street Gospel Hall in Dunedin.

Tim says, "It was a delight to meet Oswin in person and hear about his upbringing in brethren assemblies in India, as well as how the Lord has led him and his family from India to Dubai to New Zealand.

"Mailer Street Gospel Hall is in close fellowship with other gospel halls across New Zealand, and hosted a Bible conference over Labour weekend, to increase confidence in the unchanging message of the Bible in a changing world." 

And further south Tim and Richard caught up with another Lakeland trustee Ryan Whiteman (above far left), along with Nigel and Hannah Winder (above middle, and above far right), who are all part of Rosedale Bible Chapel in Invercargill.

Richard says, “one of the impressions I got from my trip down south was just how much everyone has been incredibly blessed by the ministry of camping as part of their Christian life. I was blown away by how much camping means to everyone we met.”


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