It's not too late to register.
Our Auckland Everyday Disciple Making conference is on in just under two weeks, 15 September, and we'd love it if you could join us.
Have you ever wondered what your church would look like if everyone was reading the Bible with just one other person? Or what difference it would make if everybody was encouraged to 'go and make disciples' in their own unique, God-given context (cafe, home, school, uni, business, worksite...)?
Speaker Chris Thomas will open up the Bible and share tips, tools and encouragements to help you be equipped for everyday disciple making.
There will also be a chance to connect with individuals from like-minded churches from the Auckland region and hear from support ministries in our movement.
There will be time to connect, pray, plan and learn, and we'd love to see you there.
Regos are only $45 per person, sign up here:
We hope you'll consider joining us.