Ideas for services
- This is an idea from ReFocus Ministries for a Christmas Service for the whole church to get involved in. It has socially distanced and virtual options.
- This is SUNZ’s awesome 2020 Intergenerational Christmas Service: The Certainty of Christmas
- The Greatest Journey video and Script from The Bible Society
- An All Age Advent Experience from Kids Friendly

Family Activities
- This awesome travelling nativity is a great activity to get families talking about the real meaning of Christmas
- Here is a great resource from our friends at STRANZ. Christmas on the Move has ideas for families and congregations to engage with the Christmas story
- This is a great resource from Lifetree with discussion starters and prayer ideas for families
- A great family podcast exploring the Christmas Story
- Here is a Free Advent Calendar for families from Orange
- Another great Family Advent Calendar idea
- Here is a free simple Family Devotional pack from River’s Edge Curriculum
Crafts and Activities
- Beautiful Advent Illustrations from our friends at STRANDZ
- Craft and Activity Ideas from Messy Church
- Some great Christmas resources from Illustrated Ministry

- A beautiful book from Big Book Publishing about The First Kiwi Christmas
- The Lost Sheep has some great Christmas stories. You can buy the books or a downloadable big screen version, or an activity book version. Check out Jesus was a Refugee, Bethlehem Town or Three wise Camels. They also have some free resources.
- Te Rangimarie by Josh Jones
- Go Fish Guys Christmas Album
- Something for everyone on this Spotify playlist
- Worship house kids have some great Christmas songs available
- Hillsong Worship – Born is the King – an oldie but a goodie.
- Check out Nick and Becky Drake on YouTube for some great original Christmas music
