Online training with two streams offered: Intergenerational Faith Formation and Children’s Ministry Foundations
Children & Families Ministry Online Training
Choose from two streams and engage in a fortnightly meeting with leaders from the CCCNZ/Open Brethren heritage movement to discuss a chapter of the assigned book. Each stream will run concurrently.
Stream 1 - Tuesdays 11am (starting 23 July)
Stream 2 - Tuesdays 2pm (starting 23 July)
Each session will include:
an opportunity to feedback on actions committed to in the previous session
discussion of the week’s chapter
reflection on what God might be saying to us on this topic
an action we commit to trying before the next meeting
Lastly, Julie McKinnon (Children and Families Ministry Enabler) will meet one on one with you to support and encourage the changes you make as you implement what you have learnt from this training series.
Online via Zoom
23 July 2024
Fortnightly sessions
Stream 1: Tuesdays 11am
Stream 2: Tuesdays 2pm
I don't usually make time to read and it was motivating to take time to read and think at a higher level about Children's ministry. The discussion was great and spending time with others talking through impacts and reflections. The Reflection/Action points were useful to be held accountable to the actual ways my thinking and practice needed to change.
-2021 E-QUIP Participant
CCCNZ will provide the book, and a printable booklet with questions to assist you in your learning, and a reading plan for the course.
Participants will read a chapter or two per the provided reading plan each fortnight.
The group will meet on Zoom fortnightly to discuss the chapter(s) of the book. We reflect individually and corporately about what God might be saying to us in our own context and in the movement as a whole.
Provide foundational training for leaders.
Create unity with leaders learning together.
Networking opportunities with leaders from around NZ meeting together regularly.

E-QUIP was helpful for hearing what other churches were doing; feeling encouraged / inspired by their intentionality.
-2021 E-QUIP Participant
There are two different streams running, both follow the session plan.
1. Welcome
2. Prayer – seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit to grow us and teach us.
3. Feedback – providing feedback and accountability for the actions committed to at the previous session.
4. Discussion – everyone comes ready to discuss the chapters assigned per the reading plan.
5. Reflection – A time to reflect together on what God might be saying to us individually and as a group/movement through this topic.
6. Action – a time to share and commit to an action we will take – to be followed up at the next session.

STREAM 1: Intergenerational Faith Formation
All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice in the Formation of God’s People, Edited by Valerie M. Grissom
Session 1:
Introduction: Practising our Becoming (page 15-27).
Chapter 2: Honouring the Image: Recovering a Creational Theology For Intergenerational Ministry (page 45-55).
Session 2:
Chapter 4: Apprenticing Faith Together: Helping Adults Understand Discipleship and Their Role in Intergenerational Community (page 75 - 83).
Session 3:
Chapter 6: The Final Frontier? Theological Insights to Support Imaginative Intergenerational Preaching (page 99-116).
Session 4:
Chapter 11: Let the Spirit Lead: A framework for Beginning and Sustaining Intergenerational Faith Formation (page 157-165).
Session 5:
Chapter 13: Creating Space to “Taste and See” the Goodness of Intergenerational Ministry (page 207-216).
Session 6:
Conclusion: A Challenge and Invitation to Become (page 265-272).

STREAM 2: Children's Ministry Foundations
Bridging Theory and Practice in Children’s Spirituality. Edited by Mimi L. Larson and Robert J Keeley.
Session 1:
Chapter 1: What have we learned? Seventy-Five Years of Children’s Evangelical Spiritual Formation (page 21-38).
Session 2:
Chapter 5: Faith Forming Environments for Children (page 85-100).
Session 3:
Chapter 6: Reimagining the Role of Family in Twenty-First Century Faith Practices (page 101-113).
Session 4:
Chapter 10: Sharing Hard Stories with Children (page 161-172).
Session 5:
Chapter 11: Little Theologians: Learning with and from Children as We Live in the Story Together (page 173-184).
Session 6:
Chapter 12: Does the Church Care if Children Can Think? (page 187-200).

Julie McKinnon is the Children and Family Ministries Enabler for CCCNZ. She is passionate about kids and growing their faith in Jesus. Recognising the key role parents play in this Julie is committed to encourage those relationships and to partner with and support local churches to see their Children and Family Ministries grow and flourish. Julie is married to Jason, they have four daughters and are based in Hamilton where they attend Hillcrest Chapel.
Get in touch
021 158 3668
Registrations close 30 June