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How is your church engaging in prayer?

We'd love to share some stories of how you and your church engage in prayer. 
Here are some ideas from churches in our movement.

Prayer Walking

In pairs or small groups in your community, praying as you walk, following the leading of Holy Spirit in what to pray.

Prayer Team

A prayer team that gathers weekly to pray for their pastor and eldership. 

Prayer Nights

Quarterly half nights of prayer and worship, with each hour having a different prayer focus.

Praying for Youth Group

Prayer teams attending youth group night and praying for the youth, while youth night is happening.

​Prayer and Fasting Week

Seven days of prayer and fasting, each night gather at church/as a home group to pray (ideas of things to pray range from waiting on the Lord; people in church, community, region, nation, international.)

Use Your Church Directory

Pray through your church directory, these often have names and faces of people in each church.

Prayer and Worship Nights

Get your Prayer and Worship Teams together and host something monthly or every term for the wider church. 

Phone Reminder

111: set your phone alarm and pray for 1 person, at 1pm, for 1 minute. 

Social Media Groups

Use social media to create private groups within your church community, to send through prayer needs and praise reports. 

Combined Prayer Meeting

Close home groups once a month and instead have a combined home group/whole church prayer meeting.

Celebrate Answered Prayer

Celebrate answered prayer in church: Let people know God answers our prayers.

Teaching on Prayer

Teaching on prayer: Whether in church or as a weekly study.

A Group Praying for a Specific Need

Regular groups praying for specific needs. One church has three people who have been gathering for 6-7 months, calling out to the Lord for revival in our nation.

Sending Prayer Partners

For those sending people out to missions, local or overseas, arrange for a designated prayer partner per person, to pray for them in the lead up to the trip and each day while they are away.

'Pastoral' Prayer Model on Sunday

During Sunday service encourage different people to pray: 1 person each week leads the congregation in a prayer from the front. 

Dedicated 'Open Prayer' Time in the Service

During the Sunday worship service open it up to anyone to pray for a designated time. This may be part of a regularly practised open worship time in your service.

Small Groups Pray Together

During the service, gather in small groups, with those sitting next to each other and pray.

Shoulder Tap

Shoulder-tap 3-4 people each week to lead in time of prayer on a Sunday. Maybe they could each pray a Psalm, or for a need, or in response to the sermon text.

Plan to Include Prayer in Services

Time of prayer can be after communion or after worship... try create a flow of worship, the Word and prayer so that it's not separate/stagnated or regimented but a flow that allows people to sense what the Spirit is saying throughout the service.

Prayer Resources

Books, apps, and resources to encourage a deep prayer life. 


Pray as you go - a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go.


Lectio 365 - a daily devotional resource

Pandemic Prayer guide - 7 Day Prayer Guide and Devotional from JD Greear

The Prayer Course - a great tool to encourage people in your church communities to pray.

Pray for Camp sites - We've developed this map to help you know which campsites are nearby and pray for them.

Books & Products

'You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.' Psalm 65:2

Jackie Millar

Jackie Millar is the Prayer Enabler for CCCNZ. She has a passion for prayer and has been involved in various prayer ministries, in various church settings, for many years. In this role, Jackie oversees the prayer ministry of CCCNZ with two main objectives; developing and implementing a prayer strategy for the CCCNZ movement and secondly, to encourage and provide support to prayer intercessors in their local church context. Jackie and her husband Ken fellowship at Raleigh Street Christian Centre with their two daughters and foster children.


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